NPCBot Hero Classes

NPCBot mod features several custom classes inspired by Warcraft III. These bots are ranked Rare, Elite or Rareelite, have different mana increase rate and cannot drink to restore mana, have increased level and hire cost, may have minimum player level requirement. Also, control magic affects them much less, even less than is does players. They are not intended to be as effective as normal classes and/or balanced at any given level. Their main purpose is to support you and other bots. For basic information on certain class use Gossip Menu and click Study this Creature. If you need more info keep on reading.

Obsidian Destroyer

Rank: Rareelite
Level Bonus: +3
Minimum player level: 60
Equipment affects visual: weapons only
Class specifics: Very high resistances, negative mana regeneration which cannot be countered by passive mana regeneration effects (like item mp5 stats), cannot mount, no melee attack, stamina bonus +50%, armor bonus: +50%, all damage taken reduced by 33%, attack power from stats: strength x2, spellpower bonus: 50% attack power + 200% intellect + wands, cannot eat
Equippable weapon: wands x 2
Equippable armor: mail/plate (no shield), no jewelry or cape

  • Devour Magic: Dispels up to 2 magic effect from enemies, up to 2 magic effects and 2 curse effects from allies and damaging summoned units in 20 yards dest area, restoring caster's mana and health (20% mana and 5% health for every dispelled effect)
  • Shadow Blast: Empowered attack that deals increased splash damage to targets in a rather large area. Main target takes more damage than others
  • Drain Mana: Drains all mana from a random friendly unit. The amount drained is limited by Obsidian Destroyer's maximum mana. This ability cannot be disabled
  • Replenish Mana: Energizes all surrounding party and raid members within 25 yards for 3% of their maximum mana. This ability drains all mana
  • Replenish Health: Heals all surrounding party and raid members within 25 yards for 3% of their maximum health. This ability drains all mana
  • Shadow Armor (passive): Restores mana equal to a percentage of damage taken. This ability only triggers when damage taken is enough to restore 10% of Obsidian Destroyer's mana

Additional info: Obsidian Destroyer in fact derives from a non-hero unit, but received elite status because of the ability to deal insane amounts of damage given the chance, support party of any kind, dispel, purge AND tank at the same time, utilizing abilities of original unit's both forms: statue form and true form.



Rank: Rare
Level Bonus: +1
Minimum player level: 20
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: Always mounted (ground mount only), no melee attack, armor bonus: 500% intellect, spell damage taken reduced by 35%, spellpower bonus: 100% intellect
Equippable weapon: staves
Equippable armor: cloth (no shield)

  • Blizzard: It looks like your typical mage Blizzard but it's in fact a little different. It has no chill effects or anything, but has higher base damage and scales much more with spellpower
  • Summon Water Elemental: Archmage Water Elemental has 1 minute duration and 20 sec cooldown, cannot run out of mana and deals more damage since W3 Archmage could have 3 active Elementals
  • Brilliance Aura: Increases maximum mana by 10% and mana regeneration by 100% of party and raid members within 40 yards
  • Mass Teleport (not implemented)

Additional info: Archmage is most valued for his support capabilities in large groups, although he is very squishy.



Rank: Rareelite
Level Bonus: +3
Minimum player level: 60
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: High resistances, cannot mount, stamina bonus +20%, armor bonus: +50%, all damage taken reduced by 15%, critical strike rating x2, attack power from stats: strength x8, spellpower bonus: 200% stength
Equippable weapon: axes, maces, swords, 2h axes, 2h maces, 2h swords, polearms, staves, fist weapons, daggers
Equippable armor: plate (no shield)

  • Carrion Swarm: This ability damages enemies in a very large and long frontal cone, healing Dreadlord for 100% effective damage dealt, can easily restore all health to the Dreadlord, high mana cost. Carrion Swarm deals double damage to incapacitated targets
  • Sleep: Puts enemy to sleep for 60 seconds and reduces armor by 100% for the duration. Damage over time effects do not interrupt this effect, only direct damage does
  • Vampiric Aura: Increases physical critical damage by 5% and heals party and raid members within 40 yards for 25% (100% for Dreadlord) of damage dealt by melee physical attacks. This heal generates no threat
  • Infernal: Summons an Infernal Servant at dest location, damaging and stunning enemy units in the area. Infernal is very resistant to magic and its stats scale with Dreadlord's stats. Infernal burns, dealing damage to surrounding enemies every 2 seconds, 180 sec duration

Additional info: Dreadlord is most useful in a big party with a lot of melee classes and also can be very annoying in pvp if packed with enough haste and armor penetration.


Spell Breaker

Rank: Rare
Level Bonus: +1
Minimum player level: 20
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: All spell damage taken reduced by 75%, armor penalty: -30%, attack power from stats: strength x5, block chance +90%, spellpower bonus: 200% stength
Equippable weapon: axes, maces, swords, fist weapons, daggers
Equippable armor: mail/plate

  • Steal Magic: Steals benefical spell from an enemy and transfers it to a nearby ally, or removes a negative spell from an ally and transfers it to a nearby enemy, affects magic and curse effects. Transferred effect duration is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes and minimum of 5 seconds
  • Feedback (passive): Melee attacks burn target's mana dealing arcane damage. Amount burned is equal to melee damage dealt increased by spell power. If target is drained, Spell Breaker's melee attacks will do triple damage with increased critical strike chance. If target does't have mana then instead of draining Spellbreaker's damage restores his own mana equal to 25% of damage dealt
  • Control Magic (not implemented)

Additional info: Spell Breaker is mostly pure support class incapable of dealing any serious damage, but may also make quick work of some hapless caster, burning all his mana in seconds.


Dark Ranger

Rank: Rareelite
Level Bonus: +3
Minimum player level: 40
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: Undead, damage generates no threat, sneak mode if not moving, spell damage taken reduced by 35%, attack power from stats: agility x4 + intellect x2, armor penetration bonus: 50%, crit bonus +20%, dodge bonus +30%, spellpower bonus: 50% intellect
Equippable weapon: swords, daggers, bows
Equippable armor: cloth/leather (no shield)

  • Silence: Silences an enemy and nearby targets for 8 seconds. Maximum of 5 targets, 15 sec cooldown
  • Black Arrow: Fires a cursed arrow dealing 150% weapon damage and additional damage over time. If affected target dies from Dark Ranger's damage, Dark Minion will spawn from the corpse (does not apply to players), leaving a pile of gore (lootable). Deals 5 times more damage if target is under 20% health. Only affects humanoids, beasts and dragonkin. If target unit's rank is rare, elite of rareelite, spawns elite Minion instead. Maximum 5 Minions, Minions live for 80 seconds and are immune to healing effects
  • Drain Life: Drains health from an enemy every second for 5 seconds starting with 0 (6 total ticks), healing Dark Ranger for 200% of the drained amount
  • Charm (not implemented)
  • Taunt (Dark Minion): Taunts an enemy within melee range to attack Dark Minion instead of Dark Ranger for 5 seconds. One-time use
  • Improved Blocking (Dark Minion): Increases chance to block an attack by 60-100% (depends on caster's level) for 6 seconds. One-time use

Additional info: Dark Ranger has most use in solo combined with healer, or as a support in big group due to Silence low cooldown and no other mana sinks.



Rank: Elite
Level Bonus: +2
Minimum player level: 20
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: Spell damage taken reduced by 20%, no melee attack, spellpower bonus: 100% intellect
Equippable weapon: staves
Equippable armor: cloth (no shield)

  • Raise Dead: Raises 2 Skeletons from a corpse (maximum 6 Skeletons, 65 seconds duration, only works on humanoids, beasts and dragonkin)
  • Unholy Frenzy: Increases target's melee attack speed by 75%, but constantly drains health and may kill the target. Lasts 45 seconds. Cannot be cancelled. Unlocked at level 30
  • Corpse Explosion: Causes a corpse to explode, dealing damage equal to 35% to 75% of dead unit's maximum health (depends on Necromancer's level) to all surrounding enemies. This damage generates no threat. Unlocked at level 40
  • Cripple: Reduces target's movement speed, melee attack speed and total strength by 50% for 60 seconds. Unlocked at level 50
  • Taunt (Skeleton): Taunts an enemy within melee range to attack Skeleton instead of Necromancer for 5 seconds. One-time use
  • Improved Blocking (Skeleton): Increases chance to block an attack by 60-100% (depends on caster's level) for 6 seconds. One-time use

Additional info: Necromancer has some Diablo II spirit to it. Curses may come in the future. Necromancer is mainly a support class, he doesn't have any damaging abilities besides CE, but Skeletons combined with Unholy Frenzy can help quite a lot.


Naga Sea Witch

Rank: Rareelite
Level Bonus: +3
Minimum player level: 1
Equipment affects visual: no
Class specifics: Spell damage taken reduced by 30%, attack power from stats: agility x2, parry bonus +25%, spellpower bonus: 200% intellect
Equippable weapon: daggers, bows
Equippable armor: cloth (no shield)

  • Forked Lightning: Calls forth a cone of lightning to damage enemies. Hits from 2 to all targets (depending on Sea Witch's level), stunning them for 2 seconds. This damage generates no threat
  • Frost Arrows: Imbues arrow with spellfrost for extra damage, slowing target's movement, attack and casting speed by 30% to 70% (depending on Sea Witch's level)
  • Mana Shield: Creates a shield that absorbs 100% incoming (non-mitigated) damage by using Sea Witch's mana. Absorbs from 1 damage pet 10 points of mana to 10 damage per 1 point of mana (depending on Sea Witch's level)
  • Tornado: Summons a fierce tornado that damages and slows nearby enemy units, sometimes incapacitating them completely. Tornado grows in size over time outdoors, increasing damage dealt and area of effect, but shrinks indoors, dissipating quickly. Unlocked at level 60
  • Naga (Passive): Swim speed increased by 200%, damage and dodge chance are greatly increased while in water

Additional info: Sea Witch is a versatile ranged damage dealer. She is very durable and has some CC capabilities.